International Christian and Interdenominational association of the XXI century

Association of non-profit organizations of the spiritual development of the individual "International Christian Interfaith Movement of the XXI century"


                                                                                                                          City __________________

                                                                                           1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 

This provision of the Branch has been developed on the basis and in accordance with the Federal Law of "12" in January 1996 №7-FZ "On Noncommercial Organizations", the Civil Code and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Association of non-profit organizations of the spiritual development of the individual "International Christian Interfaith Movement twenty-first century "(hereinafter - the Association) and defines the framework of the statutory goals and objectives of the legal status, competence, functions, tasks, rights, obligations and other issues of the branch" ___________________________________________________ "Association of non-profit organizations of the spiritual development of the personality" of international Christian Interfaith The movement of the XXI century "in ________________ (hereinafter - (Branch). 1.2. The branch was created by a decision of the Board of the Association - the protocol number ______ from "______" _______________ 20___

 Appointment of the Director of the branch is agreed by decisions of the Board of the Association - the protocol number of ____ "_____" _____________ 20____

1.3 The activities of the Branch is a non-profit activity in nature, and not as its main purpose a profit.

14. Full name of the branch "______________________________________" in ___________________________________________________________________

1.5. Place Branch: ____________________________________________________________


2.1. The branch is a separate regional unit of the Association. The branch is not a legal entity.

2.2. In its activities the branch is guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Noncommercial Organizations", other current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Association, the regulations of the Association, the decisions of the Association and these Regulations.

2.3. The branch carries out its activities on behalf of the Association on the territory of ____________________. The responsibility for the activities of the branch carries Association.

 2.4. Funds of the Branch, regardless of the sources of their formation, are spent on establishing and implementing the goals and programs for the implementation of activities of the Branch and the Association

2.5. The branch has a round seal bearing its full name in Russian with an indication of its location. The branch has stamps, letterheads with its name, logo and other visual identity means, approved by the President of the Association.

2.6. The branch is created for an indefinite period.


3.1. The purpose of the branch is to assist in the implementation and development of international cooperation activities in the areas of spiritual development of the individual and society, culture and art, as well as for other socially useful purposes. Branch cooperates with government, non-profit, public and religious organizations in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad, which are not members of the Association regarding its activities for the dissemination of human values, Christian standards of morality.

3.2. The functions and tasks of the branch:

- promoting public awareness of the basics of Christian morality and way of life;

 -implementation of social and charitable activities;

- opening of rehabilitation centers for people with chemical dependency (alcoholism, drug addiction.)

- opening of rehabilitation centers for persons released from prison;

-organization of social accommodations for persons of no fixed abode;

-opening of boarding homes for persons with disabilities (the elderly, the disabled);

- implementation of an information exchange with institutions, organizations and citizens in Russia and abroad in the field of spiritual development of society and the individual for the development of a comprehensive international Christian dialogue;

-assistance for tourism and cultural cooperation with various Russian and foreign agencies, organizations and citizens, foreign citizens invited to share experiences on topics authorized by Association;

-creation of educational, spiritual and educational institutions;

- promotion of the development of physical culture and sports, music, painting, choreography in Russia;

- implementation of publishing and printing, printing and promotional activities;

- establishment of media, publication and distribution of newspapers, magazines and other printed materials, as well as audio and video of spiritual and moral Christian content;

- holding meetings, conferences, seminars, lectures, symposia, round tables, festivals, concerts, exhibitions and other activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the Branch and the Association;

- conducting organizational work to attract new members to the Association, and acquaints interested persons with goals, objectives and organization of the Association;

- establish and maintain contacts through the conclusion of contracts with public authorities and local governments, their officials, to exercise its powers as well as the legal entities carrying out their activities in the territory of ___________________________________;

- promoting interfaith cooperation;

- other activities in the framework of the statutory activities of the Association.

3.3. Branch accepts applications to join the Association, collecting membership fees in accordance with the Articles of Association.


4.1. The Association has the right to:

- participate in the management of the branch in the manner determined by law, the charter of the Association, the Regulations, other regulatory and internal documents;

 -to receive information on the activities of the branch, including knowing of accounting and reporting, and other documentation of the branch for the first requirement.

4.2. Association shall:

- perform assumed in the established order commitments to subsidiaries;

- provide assistance to the Branch in carrying out its activities.

5. The property of a branch, Accounting and Reporting

5.1. Branch property transferred to it by the Association, is the property of the Association.

5.2. The branch uses its property transferred in accordance with the goals, objectives and functions defined by this Regulation and within the limits set by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Branch may not alienate or otherwise dispose of its property transferred or acquired by funds allocated to it under the estimate, including their own rent, lease, pledge, transfer for temporary use.

5.4. Branch property is recorded on a separate balance sheet and on the balance of the Association.

5.5. Branch sources of property are: - cash and other material resources assigned to it by the Association;

- Voluntary property contributions and donations;

- Other receipts not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.

5.6. The branch carries out records of the results of its activities, maintain accounting and statistical reporting in accordance with Russian legislation, the Regulation and the decisions of the Association.

5.7. Financial documents shall be signed by the Branch Director and the chief accountant.

5.8. For the organization and management of financial and economic activity the branch is entitled to open a bank account in the manner prescribed by law.

5.9. Chief Accountant of the Branch is responsible and has the rights established for chief accountants of enterprises and organizations. Chief Accounting Branch reports directly to the director of the branch, and Chief Accountant Association.


6.1. The direct management of its branch is fulfilled by Director who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Association in consultation with the Board of the Association. Director of the Branch operates under a power of attorney issued by the President of the Association.

6.2. In the organization of the work of the Branch Director acts on the basis of unity of command. Branch Director subordinates to the Chairman of the Board of the Association, the President of the Association, and regarding the issues of current activities of the Branch he promptly reports to the President of the Association.

6.3. Branch Director:

 - is acting on behalf of the Association under the authority granted by this Regulation;

- Concludes and terminates employment agreements with employees of the branch;

- Performs operative management of the branch;

- Represents the interests of the Association in government, business, community and religious organizations.

 - On the basis of a power of attorney issued to him he concludes contracts with public authorities and local governments, their officials, as well as legal entities.

- Based on the decisions of the Association and the Regulations he disposes the property of the branch;

- presents to President of the Association papers for coordination and approvment the organizational structure and staff of the branch;

- Within the limits of powers he issues orders and instructions that are obligatory for execution by all employees of the branch;

- Works to bring to cooperate with the branch in the form of charitable activities, physical (volunteers) and legal (philanthropists) persons;

- Organizes the reception of applications from organizations wishing to join the Association;

- Organizes the reception of donations from the participants of the movement;

- Performs other actions necessary to achieve the objectives and targets of the branch.

6.4. Director may subcontract activities for which it is authorized, if the person is authorized by the attorney.

6.5. Transmitting power to another person, the Director shall notify the President of the Association and report it with the necessary information about the person to whom the authorization. Failure to fulfill this duty imposes on the Directors, the delegated powers, the responsibility for the actions of the person to whom he has delegated authority, as for his own.

6.6. The power of attorney issued by way of substitution, must be notarized.

6.7. Validity of power of attorney issued by way of transfer may not exceed the term of the power of attorney on the basis of which it was issued.


7.1. Employee Relations of the Branch which arise on the basis of an employment contract are governed by Russian labor laws and staff regulations of the branch, approved by the Director

7.2. The structure and staffing of the Branch are approved by President of the Association on the proposal of the Director of the branch.

7.3. Director of the Branch develops the Staff Regulations, which provide for the procedure for hiring and firing workers, forms and systems of remuneration, the daily working hours, the order of the weekend, holidays and other issues. Terms of payment, the duration of annual leave, social security measures should not impair the conditions of workers stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. The members of the movement

8.1. In its activities, the branch may involve gratuitous cooperation of the movement: physical (volunteers) and legal (philanthropists) persons.

8.2. Terms of the unpaid cooperation of the movement can be fixed in the civil contract, concluded between the movement and the party branch. The subject of the contract is gratuitous performance of participant in the movement of work and (or) services for the benefit of the branch.

 8.3. The contract between the branches and the volunteer may provide compensation related to its execution costs for volunteer recruitment premises, travel to their destination and back, food, payment of personal protective equipment, payment of insurance premiums on voluntary medical insurance of volunteers in carrying out voluntary activities. In this case, an appropriate agreement must be concluded in writing.


9.1. Accounting and documents in the branch is organized in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Association. All internal documents of the Association concerning the activities of the branch, are binding on all employees of the branch.

9.2. Control over the activities of the Branch is executed by Audit Commission of the Association with the possible assistance of external auditors in the course of monitoring the activities of the Association as a whole.

9.3. Audit of the Branch Director and the results of financial and economic activity of the branch are conducted by the Audit Commission on the decision of the Board of the Association. Chairman of the Audit Commission or an authorized person shall have the right to request from any branch of the officials, including the Director, providing all the necessary materials, accounting and other documents and personal explanations.

9.4. The Audit Commission shall issue an opinion on the annual report and balance sheet of the branch. Without  conclusion and approval of the Audit Commission the Branch Director shall not be entitled to claim the balance.


10.1. Termination of the activities of the branch can be in the form of liquidation.

10.2. The elimination of the branch is executed by decision of the Board of the Association or on other grounds established by law.

10.3. In case of liquidation, the liquidation commission is formed by the branch, the composition of which is determined by the Board of the Association, and in cases stipulated by law - by the court.

10.4. For claims in case of liquidation of the branch the order is determined in accordance with applicable law.

10.5. Upon liquidation of the branch a liquidating balance is formed. Property and Finance Branch are returned back to the Association.